Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Scats and Tracks - Southeast:Field Guide to Signs of 70 wildlife species 2015 at the best online TITULO: Scats and Tracks of the Southeast:A Field Guide to the Signs of 70 Wildlife Species ISBN: 9781493009978. AUTOR: James C. Halfpenny / James The scat of this species may range in shape from single ovals to cord-like Scats and tracks of the desert southwest: A field guide to the signs of 70 wildlife species The white-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys leucurus) is found in western Wyoming and western Colorado with small areas in eastern Utah and southern Montana. Prey hair and bone recovery in ermine scats. Journal ofWildlife Morphometrics of the tracks of Puma concolor: is it possible to differentiate the sexes using measurements from captive animals? In Chemical signals in vertebrates. Vol. 5, ed. D.W. Macdonald, D. M